Wednesday, November 3, 2010

News about an octopus

During the world cup there was this octopus named Paul who predicted 8 outcomes of the competition. He later died of natural causes. Now he has a successor, a five month old octopus also named Paul. It's not clear yet if he's as "talented" as the other Paul, but clearly people are hoping he is if they would post this on msnbc.

I'm deathly afraid of the Kraken so anything with tentacles (with the exception of Squidward) scares me. And this is so ridiculous I'm surprised they can call this news. Are you serious?! There are people videotaping murder, 10 year olds getting pregnant, and kids getting landed on by sky divers, how is this mixed in with all of that? I am very disappointed that I found this in "world news" and in "sports news." Just saying...


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