Saturday, November 20, 2010

Health Care 2010 Issue #3- Safe to eat?

Issue #1:
Issue #2:

Issue #3: In 2006 there was an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in bagged spinach. Feral pigs spread  cow manure to a spinach field. This killed three people and caused over 200 people to get sick.
Consumer advocates have called for new safety regulations and argue that there should only be one agency responsible for ensuring the safety of our food. They urged for more food inspectors to enforce safety mandates. After all this happened sales of bagged leafy foods dropped around 60%, if greater food regulations were to take place the cost of producing fruits and vegetables would increase and the expense would be passed to consumers. The question is if healthcare should cover food poisoning.

I think that the country should offer health care for this group because they are already eating healthy but they get sick doing it. People don't really think to get health care for this because they think that if they're careful about what they eat they wont get sick, but clearly that's not the case.

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